Monday, March 22, 2010

A reason to think..

Just a thought;

Everything happens for a reason.
There's always a reason why someones upset, why someones sad, why someones angry, why someone smiles, why someones happy.

You even say so too, "there's gotta be a reason why you're laughing.." do you accept and believe when that person replies "no reason" ?

There's reasons why people study, why people travel, why people communicate, why people like mangoes.

There's reasons why people smell,, why people taste, why people feel.. So that, in itself, just shows that there's a reason for life.. If there's a reason why people fart.. Well heck.. There's definitely gotta be a reason why someone exists on this earth. So there, what have you got to say to that huh! :)


PS. My bad if "farts" wasn't the best example hehe

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